A Research project on Refugees´ Health Integration


ReHIn aims to create web-based educational resources to raise awareness and enable the integration of refugees into the EU health culture and system.

An objective of ReHIn is to support the integration of refugees in terms of using health services. The web-based resources will provide information regarding the rights and the use of the health systems and will be made available in different languages.
To be able to develop these resources, we will need to understand the educational needs of refugees regarding the healthcare system better.

Within this project, we aim to create a number of creative digital resources to enable the integration of refugees into the European Union health culture. The fundamental objectives of ReHIn lay into the integration in terms of the use of the health services, but also in the way that health and medicine are practiced in the EU in comparison to major refugees’ home countries. Through Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs) and their combination into a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), ReHIn will foster respect and understanding for diversity in Health, intercultural and civic competences, but also it will enable health values and citizenship within the EU.

Besides the educational material, the RLOs and the MOOC, ReHIn will include a needs analysis, that will point out the exact educational needs in regard to the healthcare system and will include raw data from the partner countries; the evaluation of the project outputs for the purpose of providing feedback and improving the project and the best practices and guidelines, that will encourage and inform similar initiatives.

On this web-page, there is presented the best practices compilation. The objective of this guideline is to inform the wider audience including educators and healthcare organizations about how to create material about refugees, showing good practices that have happened in Europe to extract knowledge and aspects on which researchers, policymakers and NGOs can learn and improve when they develop their resources for refugees.

In a structured way that facilitates its analysis, it is presented a set of recommendations, lessons learned and suggestions that are worth to be taking into account before any further deployment of resources about refugees.

The project has a duration of two years, it started in 2020 and will finalize at the end of 2022. The project is a collaborative action research project between Karolinska Institutet (Sweden), University of Nottingham (UK), Aristoteles University Thessaloniki (Greece) and Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain).

The research project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme and coordinated by MINT – Medical INTeractions at Karolinska Institutet, Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics (LIME).